Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Hello again from far far away,
I'm sitting in an internetcafe in Fiji. We arrived safely but exhausted. It was 6 a clock in the morning and already 26 degrees. We took a little bus to a backpackershostel (I know not our style, but because a small backpack was lost in L.A with among other things joris' agenda, we had lost all the information and phonenumbers about hosts in Fiji) Now we're trying to contact some people to get out of the little touristic town that is Nadi. The main industry of fiji is tourism, so it's hard to avoid staying in hotels and going on expensive organised tours to paradise-resorts on the little islands. There are souvenirstores and taxi's everywhere, but the people are nice and the weather is sweet. Well, atleast very hot and very moist.
We'll find a way to get out of the touristic parts, and stay with people..
We are sleeping in a 8 persons dorm for 12 fijidollars per night, so you can't call that expensive, it's about 6 euros. We drank the local drink Kava a few times, it's made of a root and mixed with water, it also makes your tongue num for about 2 minutes. Yesterday we met some people from germany and went to a bar, rhum&coke and Justin Timberlake. The Fijians like their popmusic :) I hope everyone at home is good and that spring comes soon in belgium!

big kisses


mamamarleen said...

effe proberen a ja, tis gelukt denk ik.

amai, Saske dat had je niet gedacht van uw mamaatje ,hé?!

Niet te veel rum drinken, hoor!:)

mamamarleen said...

What is that guy doing there above that brown "potje"? Making KAVA ?

Kisses from your greatest fan and commentator ( except Harriet)